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BlueCopy live webinars a success

In the past four weeks, we have held several live webinars on the introduction of BlueCopy Version 10.1. We are very grateful to our customers for the great response.

System Copy (BlueWorld)

We had a very large and very positive response: more than 50% of those invited took part in the webinars! We are very grateful to our customers for the great response and the great interest in finding out more about the capabilities of BlueCopy 10.1.

A total of four webinars "Automation on SAP Basis: Innovations in BlueCopy Version 10.1" were held. Two webinars were held in German and two in English for our international customers.

During the one-hour webinar, the participants were able to inform themselves about the new functions of BlueCopy 10.1 and learn how these new functions, such as the password assistant, further simplify system copies and offer even more automation. In the live demo, all participants could get their own impression of the new functions.
At the end of the webinars, a Q&A session (Questions & Answers) took place, where the Empirius team of experts could interact with customers and clarify questions. The collected Q&As will be made available to them.

More to come…
And because our customers asked for it, we will continue hosting webinars over the next few weeks featuring different topics. So stay tuned!
We are always happy to hear from you, so let us know what topics you would like to hear in from us next.
We look forward to hearing from you.

About BlueCopy
With BlueCopy, you can perform SAP system copies end-to-end fully automatically. Agile. Easy. Efficient.
BlueCopy helps companies to design and improve their QA process efficiently and agilely.
With the user-friendly software, system copies can be prepared and performed quickly and easily at any time. All process steps are transparent, even with complex requirements. BlueCopy increases productivity in your IT operations and, thanks to its simplicity, enables a quick ROI.

Arrange a demo with us.
Contact: info@empirius.de

Sounds interesting?

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are here for you!


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